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We are Salesforce Talent Alliance members!

At Modelit, we pledge to create a culture of equality through inclusive hiring practices and onboarding plans designed to teach Salesforce fundamentals to people who are either unfamiliar with the platform or looking for a career change.

"To help bring new Trailblazers into the Salesforce ecosystem, we need to work together with our partners to build a diverse workforce that is not only highly skilled, but that reflects society around the globe. I´m proud that Modelit is making equality a priority by becoming a member of Salesforce Talent Alliance."

Tyler Prince, Executive Vice President of Worldwide Alliances & Channels

Our co-founder, Angelica Buffa, says that this a great way to give back to the community.

We're very excited about being part of the Talent Alliance program. There is a high demand for Salesforce professionals, and being part of this program is a great way to create new talent and opportunities for all.